Introspect Courses for 2021

Mindful Codepedency Recovery Group

Organisational Mindfulness : Practical tools to enhance employee well-being

Mindfulness Based Coaching, Supervision & Facilitation

Welcome to INTROSPECT, where together we explore new mindfulness and coaching tools to support presence and transformative insight, one breath at a time. 

The various interventions offered, support your nervous system to stay in an optimal state of ease and coherence. This in turn, supports your mental and emotional well-being.

An invitation to pay attention in this moment:

Pause for a moment.

Perhaps you can begin noticing, without judgement, where your attention is right now? Is your mind busy or at ease? How is the body feeling? What emotions are present?

We spend so much time in our thinking mind. We are constantly busy and in doing mode. When you stop, and pay attention, you begin to train this muscle of mindfulness.

I invite you to make a deliberate choice and decision about where you want your mind and attention to be moment by moment. 

Perhaps your intention in this moment, is to begin exploring new possibilities and ways of being in your life.


Try the breathing space exercise

Download the breathing space exercise here
(Right click on the link and select "Save link as" to download the file) ...


Interview with 702 mindfulness master class



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